Water Kefir
Our homemade, handcrafted Water Kefir will help you to balance and cultivate your body, it contains a wide variety of good bacteria and beneficial yeasts as well as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, it will help your body to detoxify naturally, while increasing your energy and sense of well-being!
Kefir, which actually means “feel good” in Turkish, is a cultured and enzyme-rich probiotic drink that’s filled with friendly micro-organisms which will help to balance your inner ecosystem.
Here’s just a few of the MANY benefits of drinking Water Kefir…
…enriches your body with good bacteria, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes; it has antibiotic and anti-fungal properties which contributes to a healthy immune system; stops unhealthy food cravings; aids digestion of all foods; reduces bloating; cleanses the liver; increases energy and gives you an overall feeling of good health….and it taste great!!!!
Try one of our new healthy water kefir drinks…. “Café Cooler”… with Water Kefir, Green Tea, Blueberries and Agave…organic and refreshing…mmmmh…